Self Parenting of L5

This particular client approached me with a complex health history, including frozen shoulders, knee problems, prolapsed discs, and persistent body pains, alongside a range of childhood traumas and adversities. Our encounter happened by chance at a local coffee shop, where he shared his physical challenges upon learning about my profession. Having exhausted conventional treatments without relief, he expressed openness to exploring the emotional aspect of his condition. Agreeing to this approach, he scheduled an appointment.

Initially, he presented with intense lower back pain, exacerbated after prolonged sitting—a discomfort he had endured for over a decade, seeking various therapies with only temporary relief. His condition had become so debilitating that it interfered with his work, predominantly computer-based.

Commencing our session, I conducted a thorough assessment of his spine, muscles, and overall body alignment, as is customary for addressing back issues. Recognising the emotional underpinnings of his condition, I opted to employ Kinesiology, a method that identifies emotional root causes of physical ailments.

The body holds emotional pain which we were unable to process at the time we experienced it. Kinesiology reveals how emotional distress, unresolved from past experiences, manifests as physical symptoms when the subconscious determines it’s time to process. Using Muscle Response Testing, we identified imbalances, pinpointing the L5 vertebrae as a priority. Employing Finger Modes, we discerned the emotional and structural nature of this imbalance.

Now it was time to explore what emotional stresses L5 was still holding onto, affecting its ability to hold its alignment.

Exploring the emotional burdens harboured by the L5 vertebrae, we employed Past Trauma Recall (PTR), tapping into subconscious memories spanning his lifetime, even as far back as early childhood. Despite conscious recall limitations, the subconscious stores profound memories. In other words, the beauty of this technique is that most of the time, the client does not need to consciously remember the event, as we are dealing with the subconscious directly via the mind-body connection. The subconscious remembers everything, even if our conscious minds can’t. Any relevant times, events, and ages are added to the session.

We discovered various traumatic events throughout his lifetime, all the way back to 3 years old, that were relevant to this particular issue that L5 was experiencing. Now consciously, it’s unlikely that many are going to remember much from 3 years old, however, our subconscious bodies have excellent recall.

To support emotional healing, we introduced Bach Flower Remedies, which can be selected through Kinesiology testing or alternative methods like the Lüscher colour test. With relevant memories and remedies identified, we revisited pivotal moments from his past, nurturing his younger self through a self-parenting technique. This approach provides compassionate support for aspects lacking in parental care physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, during formative years.

There are many avenues that can be taken when working with a person’s aspect of their younger selves, every therapist has their preferred method or methods. Many roads lead to Rome, as I like to say. Self-parenting is one of my preferred techniques. It’s a gentle and nurturing way to address issues such as abandonment trauma, lack of emotional intimacy, lack of boundaries, from one of the parents or both.

There is never any judgment or blame placed on the parents, nor in the resulting actions and behaviours of the client during this technique. The sessions start from a place where we always do the best we can do in the moment, with the tools, knowledge and resources that we have at hand.

What is provided for the client’s aspect of their younger self, is a nurturing parental ‘energy’ using visualisation in a gentle, safe way. With the premise that we innately know what we need at any moment in time, it is a mediation to essentially become our own parent for our younger self.

Our session concluded with thorough testing to ensure complete resolution of physical activations related to the addressed issue. Remarkably, the client experienced immediate relief, leaving without the lower back pain that initially brought him in.

Continuing our work together, I am honoured that he entrusts me with untangling layers of deep-seated traumas, gradually liberating his body from discomfort and restriction.

Such experiences underscore the inherent capacity for self-healing within us all, with my role being to facilitate the journey to this inner wisdom, where true healing transpires. It’s sessions like these that remind me how we all have the tools within to cure ourselves. My role is to safely guide my clients to this place of wisdom within where all healing occurs.

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