Much of my work revolves around assisting individuals in alleviating physical symptoms, often associated with pain. These issues can stem from various sources, including emotional, biochemical, or bioelectrical factors.

Clients quickly learn that each session is unique; no two are alike. We might start with straightforward structural adjustments, delve into uncovering nutritional deficiencies impacting the body’s structure, and then explore the deeper emotional roots of their conditions.

However, delving into emotional aspects isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. It depends on the client’s readiness to explore this realm and their comfort level with it.

Acknowledging the mind-body connection isn’t universally embraced, but it’s not a prerequisite for healing. Sometimes, it’s about gently illustrating how our bodies can get trapped in negative feedback loops, repeating patterns from past experiences that impact physical health.

Other sessions might focus on explaining the biochemical responses to stress, such as the release of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, leading to inflammation, tension, and pain. We might also discuss how diet affects the gut, which in turn impacts back health. Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of addressing structural issues.

Every session is tailored to the individual client, reinforcing the notion that our bodies are more than mere vessels for our brains.

The following case files offer insights into sessions where we ventured beyond the conventional approach. I hope they shed light on the methods I employ and why they, along with those of countless therapists worldwide, have helped millions regain their health.

Self Parenting of L5

Self Parenting of L5

The body holds emotional pain which we were unable to process at the time we experienced it. This emotional pain ultimately presents itself as physical physical symptoms when the subconscious deems it to be the time is right to process it. Kinesiology is a way to find where exactly in the body this pain is held and the memories and trauma associated with it.

Gut to Ear

Throughout my years of clinic experience, I've become aware that tinnitus can originate from the gut, jaw, cranium, vagus nerve or even post-viral.  This is not an extensive list, just the most common sources I have come across to date.   My client was telling me of her chronic gut issues, so I made the call to start with the gut, rather than Craniosacral therapy.

Electric ICV

The Electrical ICV

A lot of my work is Kinesiology led and this was no exception.  I started with what we Kinesiologists call the Ileocecal Valve (ICV) balance.  This is a test to determine if the ileocecal valve is functioning correctly.   What is the ileocecal valve? In a nutshell, the ileocecal valve is the doorway between the small and the large intestine. 

Womb Embodiement

Realigning the Womb to life's true purpose

Social conditioning and various traumas often disconnect women from their wombs, making it an uncomfortable space. As women transition through the ages, sometimes they feel mis-aligned with this powerful base center's true life purpose. Helping women to realign with their womb can bring them a liberating peace of mind as they journey into menopause and beyond.