Electric ICV

As I reviewed our sessions with this particular client, I couldn’t help but marvel at their remarkable progress. Over the span of two decades, they battled Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, cancer, underwent radiation therapy, dealt with absent seizures, endured surgical operations, and grappled with stress. Our sessions covered a wide array of approaches, ranging from structural alignments and addressing digestive issues to delving into past-life regression, building confidence, exploring shadow work, embracing womb embodiment, and navigating deep emotional healing. Suffice it to say, I had plenty of unique sessions to choose from for this journal entry. This client now goes to the gym weekly, sings in a local choir and gets involved in community projects.

The session I’ve selected was a blend of structural and electrical balancing techniques. At the time, my client had been following dietary guidance from a local nutritionist, which had led to significant improvements in energy levels and sleep quality. However, they still experienced discomfort around the upper intestinal area resembling heartburn or indigestion, prompting a revisit to digestive issues we had addressed previously.

Much of my work is guided by Kinesiology, and this session was no exception. I began by assessing the functioning of the Ileocecal Valve (ICV), a crucial gateway between the small and large intestines. Dysfunction in this valve can lead to various symptoms, from pelvic and shoulder pain to flu-like symptoms and bowel disturbances.

Testing revealed that my client’s ICV was indeed out of balance, presenting an electrical imbalance rather than the usual nutritional or chemical imbalance. Further Kinesiology testing identified imbalances in the Heart (HT), Gall Bladder (BG), and Liver (LV) meridians.

It’s worth noting that when discussing meridians, the capitalised names refer to the system rather than the organ itself. For instance, ‘Gall Bladder’ denotes the meridian system encompassing muscles, nerves, organs, emotions, and energy flow.

Looking at my client’s meridian responses, the Heart meridian governing fire, the tongue, laughter, blood vessels, brain, joy, sadness and impatience, was being affected by the Gall Bladder and Liver meridians, governing wood, the eyes, voice, muscles, tendons, kindness, anger and aggression. If you know your Merdian Wheel, you’ll know that GB and LV sit in the Wood element which fuels the Fire element, but that’s a conversation for another time, I’m trying to keep this journal as light as possible.

During the session, my client mentioned a previous cholecystectomy and a newfound memory related to the surgery—her bile duct had been accidentally severed, leading to bile flooding into the intestines. Despite being told that this surgical error wasn’t related to her subsequent upper intestinal discomfort, her body indicated otherwise during our session years later.

We worked on balancing the affected HT, GB and LV meridians, followed by emotional stress release techniques, flower remedies, and fascia releasing in the area. The immediate relief my client felt in the upper intestinal region was encouraging, and subsequent feedback confirmed a sense of lightness and relaxation in the weeks that followed.

It’s always gratifying to witness clients’ progress and insights between sessions. This experience served as a reminder that not all issues are purely structural, nutritional, or emotional—electrical imbalances play a significant role as well.

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